
只需加水或冰水進水箱,噴霧風扇便能將水份霧化,由風扇將霧粒子吹出來,清涼降溫, 方便易用!

d cube ltd. 正型設計 把流行時尚的設計元素融入家居,把色彩、光線、圖案、空間等不同元素完美結合,務求創造實用舒適的理想家居。我們樂於聆聽客戶的意見,在滿足您需求的同時,提出專業意見和設計點子,以專業認真及熱誠的態度完成每項工程,這就是正型設計。 透 過富現代感和時尚摩登的設計來展現風格,善用單位內的每吋空間,配上最型格的傢俱和裝飾擺設,從而建構一個舒適寫意的理想環境。每次
D設計 / 室內設計D Cube Limited

Samson音樂教室 - 專業流行鋼琴教授 導師簡介: Samson Ng是香港少數持有流行鋼琴演奏學位的音樂人,在港奠定了古典及流行鋼琴的基礎後遠赴美國荷李活深造流行樂,留學期間曾跟隨多位著名鋼琴手(e.g. Russell Ferrante, Alberto Salas, Mamiko Kitaura) 學習不同風格的流行音樂,並有多年教授流行鋼琴/流行音樂理論及樂隊訓練的經驗,在流行樂的演奏

畢業於香港中文大學,副修音樂系;後攻讀音樂教育碩士,主力研究教育理論與學習認知心理學。畢業後繼承深造,師承郭婷、Franky Leung、Michael Yau。現與柏斯音樂集團、柏茵音樂有限公司等行內知名企業合作,並曾與Chockchockmo、鐵樹蘭等本地知名樂隊同台演出,音樂資歷紮實,確保教學內容豐富。

Luxury is infused into even the finer points of comfort. Enjoy a restful night's sleep on a cozy Simmons mattress with the softness of 300-thread count Frette linens covering you.

Service Apartments, Service Suites, Furnished Apartments and Hotel Apartments
P物業地產 / 服務式住宅Presidential Apartments

Clean & Nice Individual Furnished Room For Rent near MTR with all facilities around

About KoKocolor Ever since its launch in 1996, KoKocolor has been an industrial leader in glass mosaic solutions. Countless customers have trusted us with their important projects, knowing the qualit

through carefully curated exhibitions and regular art fairs both local and overseas.
消閒及娛樂 / 好去處凱倫偉伯畫廊 Karin Weber Gallery

Welcome to The Asia Company ( HK ) Ltd., please sit back and enjoy our introduction and tour to our home page. Established in 1954, still remain the leading company in oil painting industry in Hong K
消閒及娛樂 / 藝術及手工藝香港震亞有限公司

The Putman One of contemporary design's lesding visionaries. 202 Queenis Road Centeal,Hong Kong t +852 2233 2233 f +852 2233 2200

Situated in the Kowloon retail and commercial hub where you will find yourself within walking distance to glittering shopping malls, restaurants and commercial office area, the hippest lifestyle is n

07年最新有关科幻和幻想题材方面的创意概念手绘教程, Gnomon Imaginative Illustration with J.P.Targete Vol 2:Tonal Underpainting And Detailing DVD1教程会带来令你兴奋的创意和技巧,教会你如何着手绘出富有幻想般的精美插画.Dark Riders" 暗黑骑士 " 就是作者完全通过想像构思所绘制出来的.祥细讲解

Mok Luk Kee Metal Work Foundry has been in brassware business since 1964. In 1988 we expanded into manufacture to China at Dung Kuan. Our products are specialized in various brass, aluminum alloy mad
消閒及娛樂 / 藝術及手工藝莫六記五金鑄造製品廠有限公司

Mok Luk Kee Metal Work Foundry has been in brassware business since 1964. In 1988 we expanded into manufacture to China at Dung Kuan. Our products are specialized in various brass and aluminum alloy
消閒及娛樂 / 藝術及手工藝莫六記五金鑄造製品廠有限公司

Melrose Florist HK. 接受鮮花 一個月前訂購, 可有85拆優惠!!!! We provides contemporary floral designs since 2005. Our daily operations include walk-in customers, custom-made wedding bouquets, banquet decorations, res
M鮮花及禮籃 / 新娘花球Melrose Florist HK

China Pingyao International Photography Festival is the oldest and largest photography exhibition in China. Organizers: China Photographers Association, China Art Photographic Association, Red Cross
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